August 30, 2005

Cross Browser DHTML is an outlet for Mike Foster's DHTML hobby. This site features X - a cross-browser DHTML javascript library, and many demos, applications, articles and documentation.

The X library is designed for Opera 5+, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Netscape 7.x, Internet Explorer 4+, Konqueror, Netscape 4.x and browsers with similar object models. Object-detection (instead of browser-detection) is used as much as possible.

August 23, 2005

Painting in Photoshop - The Basics

by Nykolai Aleksander

Index of Full tutorial with contents below:

Basic PS Settings

• Scratch Disk Settings
• Opening a new file & Canvas Settings
• Changing Colours
• Canvas Sizes
• Docking Palettes

PS Brushes

• Which Brushes to use?
• Basic settings
• Installing Brush Sets
• Loading Brush Sets
• Making Custom Brushes

Drawing Tablet

• Changing settings
• Getting used to the pen - exercises

Use of Colour

• Grass isn't always green
• Colour Theory (by Socar Myles)

The Use of Layers

• The Meaning of Icons
• Creating Layers & naming them
• Moving Layers in the Palette
• Merge Visible Layers
• Merge Linked Layers
• Layer Sets
• From Scan to Transparent Layer
• Transforming Layers
• Flatten Layers


• Do I need to be able to draw to paint in PS?
• Pre-painting sketches - yes or no?
• Basic detailed painting steps
• Saving your Painting
• Special: Evil Tools

One last piece of warning: If you are hoping for a magic solution, there is none. You will not become a great painter overnight - it takes some time, patience and practice.

Free Usability Resources

PDF documents available for download from resources at

Topics include:





gotomedia : resources

gotomedia : resources :

Goto Guides

Many have found the following goto guides (PDFs) to be helpful Usability resources. These were originally created as resource material for Kelly's regular lectures and eventually evolved into her 281 page book, Web ReDesign | Workflow that Works.


The Macromedia Website Production Management Techniques site represents a joint effort by Macromedia and Kelly Goto.

August 15, 2005 - Free Photoshop video tutorials - Free Photoshop video tutorials

Here you will find free Photoshop training trough video tuition - each of the tutorials will teach how to achieve a cool technique